<%= @run.title %>

<%= @run.game.title %>

Started by <%= link_to @run.user.name || "???", user_path(@run.user) %> <%= time_ago_in_words(@run.created_at) %> ago.

This run is currently <% if @run.checked_in? %> checked in! You can progress this run <%= link_to "by creating a checkpoint", new_run_checkpoint_path(@run) %>. <% else %> checked out by <%= link_to @run.checked_out_user.name || "???", user_path(@run.checked_out_user) %>. <% if @run.last_save_file.attached? %> You can <%= link_to "download the last save file", rails_blob_path(@run.last_save_file, disposition: "attachment") %> to check it out, but you won't be able to check in any progress. <% end %> <% end %>


<%= link_to "New checkpoint", new_run_checkpoint_path(@run) %>
<% @run.checkpoints.each do |checkpoint| %>
<%= time_ago_in_words(checkpoint.created_at) %> ago by <%= link_to checkpoint.user.name || "???", user_path(checkpoint.user) %>
<%= checkpoint.created_at %> <% if checkpoint.save_file.attached? %> <%= link_to "Download save file", rails_blob_path(checkpoint.save_file, disposition: "attachment") %> <% else %> (No save file attached.) <% end %>
<% end %>