<% if current_char %> <% if current_char.activity %>

<%= current_char.activity.name %>

<% required_character_skills = current_char.activity.whatnot[:requirements]&.filter_map { |r| current_char.character_skills.find_by(skill: Skill.find_by_gid(r[:gid])) if r[:type] == "skill" } %>
<% required_character_skills&.each do |cs| %>
<%= cs.skill.name %> level <%= cs.level %>
<%= cs.xp_to_next_level %> XP to next level
<% end %>
<% if current_char.queued_actions %>
<%= pluralize(current_char.queued_actions + 1, "action") %> remaining.
<% end %> <%= button_to "Stop", stop_activity_path, class: "text-sm" %>
<% if current_char.activity.gid.include?("beastslay") %> <%= current_char.wounds %> / <%= pluralize(current_char.max_wounds, "wound") %> <% end %> <% current_char.active_states.each do |state| %>
<%= state.condition.name %>
(expires in <%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(state.expires_at) %>)
<% end %>
<% else %>
<% if current_char.resting? %>

You're resting.

<% else %>

You're not doing anything.

<% end %>
<%= button_to current_char.resting? ? "Stop Resting" : "Start Resting", toggle_resting_path %>
You have <%= distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(current_char.rested_until) %> of rested time. <% if current_char.resting? %> This does not include time from your current rest. That time will be added when you stop resting. <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %>