These rankings are not meant to declare the best characters, only those
with the most XP. XP is far from the only indicator of achievement in Esoterra.
<% if current_char %>
<%= link_to "View rankings for #{current_char.name}", character_rankings_path(current_char) %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to "Refresh", leaderboard_path %>
Total Level
<% @top_total_level.each_with_index do |c, index| %>
<%= index + 1 %> |
<%= link_to c.name, character_rankings_path(c) %> |
<%= c.total_level %> |
<% end %>
Total XP
<% @top_total_xp.each_with_index do |c, index| %>
<%= index + 1 %> |
<%= link_to c.name, character_rankings_path(c) %> |
<%= c.total_xp %> |
<% end %>
Skill XP Totals
<% @top_per_skill.each do |skill_name, skill_trainings| %>
<%= skill_name %>
<% skill_trainings.each_with_index do |st, index| %>
<%= index + 1 %> |
<%= link_to st.character.name, character_rankings_path(st.character) %> |
<%= st.level %> |
<%= st.xp %> |
<% end %>
<% end %>