pit_leech: name: "pit leech" description: >- A brown-black glistening thing the size of your arm and four times as wide. Featureless, except for a ring of razor-sharp teeth at one end, encircling an inquisitive maw. whatnot: max_hp: base: 5 speed: base: 1 accuracy: base: 2 power: base: 1 evasion: base: 1 resistances: - gid: "physical" base: 1 - gid: "slash" base: 2 hit_effects: - type: "damage" gid: "pierce" min: 1 max: 5 awards: - type: "xp" gid: "beastslay" base: 4 - type: "item" chance: 1 table: - gid: "vestige" score: 0.90 max_quantity: 2 - type: "item" chance: 0.001 gid: "pit_leech_trophy" stalk_beast: name: "stalk beast" description: >- A walking tangle of long, sinewy eye stalks, each punctuated with a fist-sized eyeball. They were and are the heralds of things to come. whatnot: max_hp: base: 12 speed: base: 3 accuracy: base: 4 power: base: 2 evasion: base: 2 resistances: - gid: "bash" base: 6 - gid: "pierce" base: 6 - gid: "physical" base: 2 hit_effects: - type: "damage" gid: "bash" min: 3 max: 8 awards: - type: "xp" gid: "beastslay" base: 9 - type: "item" chance: 1 table: - gid: "vestige" score: 0.75 max_quantity: 4 - gid: "warped_eyestalk" score: 0.95 - type: "item" chance: 0.001 gid: "stalk_beast_trophy" grinpad: name: "grinpad" description: >- A smiling, bearded figure wearing a jovial red cap. Hunched forward as if burdened by a great weight of sin, it creeps toward you with a scissorblade in one hand. whatnot: max_hp: base: 15 speed: base: 3 accuracy: base: 5 power: base: 2 evasion: base: 5 resistances: - gid: "physical" base: 8 - gid: "energy" base: 6 hit_effects: - type: "damage" gid: "slash" min: 5 max: 12 awards: - type: "xp" gid: "beastslay" base: 13 - type: "item" chance: 1 table: - gid: "vestige" score: 0.5 max_quantity: 3 - gid: "vestige" score: 0.85 max_quantity: 10 - gid: "rusted_lockbox" score: 0.995 - gid: "warm_diadem" score: 0.999 - type: "item" chance: 0.001 gid: "grinpad_trophy" lesser_trodgeathomp: name: "lesser trodgeathomp" description: > Its body is almost entirely composed of four legs, thick as tree trunks. They meet at the top, where a faint yellow dot of light shines dimly from a wide, horizontal slit. The dot of light follows your movements calmly. whatnot: max_hp: base: 24 speed: base: 2 accuracy: base: 6 power: base: 10 evasion: base: 5 resistances: - gid: "physical" base: 12 - gid: "energy" base: 24 hit_effects: - type: "damage" gid: "bash" min: 12 max: 20 awards: - type: "xp" gid: "beastslay" base: 20 - type: "title" gid: "retributor" - type: "item" chance: 1 table: - gid: "vestige" score: 0.75 max_quantity: 20 - gid: "waning_light" score: 0.95 - type: "item" chance: 0.001 gid: "lesser_trodgeathomp_trophy" bollyrot: name: "bollyrot" description: >- A lanky, decaying figure that shambles along on two frog legs. It drags its arms along the ground, each a couple feet longer than its body. As it gets close, you can hear terrible liquids bubble and hiss within its bloated stomach. Some spray forth from its mouth with every step. whatnot: max_hp: base: 19 speed: base: 5 accuracy: base: 9 power: base: 7 evasion: base: 7 resistances: - gid: "physical" base: 10 - gid: "bash" base: 7 - gid: "slash" base: 3 - gid: "energy" base: 2 - gid: "necrotic" base: 30 - gid: "radiant" base: -30 hit_effects: - type: "damage" gid: "bash" min: 8 max: 16 - type: "damage" gid: "necrotic" min: 1 max: 4 awards: - type: "xp" gid: "beastslay" base: 20 - type: "item" chance: 1 table: - gid: "bollyrot_acerbic" score: 0.4 - gid: "vestige" score: 0.8 max_quantity: 8 - type: "item" chance: 0.001 gid: "bollyrot_trophy" crypt_writhe: name: "crypt writhe" description: >- An enormous white worm, eight feet long. It is born in burial sites, and feeds on rot. It enthusiastically slaughters the living, plants them in the earth, and then harvests them when the time is right. whatnot: max_hp: base: 32 speed: base: 10 accuracy: base: 13 power: base: 12 evasion: base: 10 resistances: - gid: "physical" base: 20 - gid: "energy" base: 10 - gid: "necrotic" base: 50 - gid: "radiant" base: -50 hit_effects: - type: "damage" gid: "bash" min: 14 max: 22 - type: "damage" gid: "necrotic" min: 4 max: 10 awards: - type: "xp" gid: "beastslay" base: 28 - type: "item" chance: 0.05 gid: "black_gizzard" - type: "item" chance: 0.001 gid: "crypt_writhe_trophy"